FAQ: OpusClip Captions

2 Contributors

Is OpusClip Captions free to use?
  • Yes, OpusClip Captions is free to use.
  • You can get your short-form videos captioned without creating an account. Receive 3 watermark-free clips daily, then additional clips will carry the OpusClip watermark.
How does OpusClip Captions work?
  • OpusClip Captions instantly applies viral caption templates to make your short-form videos look like those of the most successful creators.
What languages are supported?
  • We support English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Indonesian, Ukrainian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Croatian, Romanian, Slovak, Greek, Danish, Finnish, and more languages are coming soon.
How can I edit the captions?
  • Sign up for OpusClip to edit captions, adjust positions, add b-rolls and turn existing videos into viral shorts!
  • After signing up, you will need to submit this video again. OpusClip offers a free trial with 90 minutes of upload time (~90 short videos captioned).
I have more questions!
Join our Discord community if you need help or have any feedback to share.